We offer just one product for life insurance – the one we think is the best for nomads generally, which most of the people on our team have for themselves. Note: Some of us also have other life insurance policies in addition to this one, for various reasons, including wanting to have a higher total amount of life insurance coverage than is available with this specific policy, but we still have this one for all the non-money-related benefits it offers to us as global nomads.
We do offer other financial products, for other purposes:
www.PensionsForNomads.com – A pension plan specifically designed for digital nomads and expatriates, which has a full capital guarantee as well as guaranteed minimum returns as long as you stick to the plan
www.MedicalForNomads.com – Full private international medical/health insurance, with no medical exam needed, fully online/remote/paperless application and claims process, four different cover levels to choose from, and great prices
www.SavingsForNomads.com – A savings plan with lots of personalisation options, ideal for general saving and investing regularly, with more flexibility than a pension plan but without the guaranteed minimum return that the pension plan includes